Matt Ehrichs - Producer and Editor
Matt Ehrichs is a director, documentary filmmaker and postproduction enthusiast. He writes, directs and edits both short and long format content for broadcast and digital distribution, on a diverse range of topics, including, politics, arts, culture, environmental sociology, health and science. He has worked with PBS in a multitude of ways throughout his career, earning him several Emmys and a AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Award, for his work on the PBS NewsHour web series, ScienceScope, in which he co-created, developed and produced. His experience has also allowed him to produce and edit branded content companies such as Make-A-Wish, Pfizer, and Kevin Durant’s Thirty Five Ventures. Currently, he is a producer on the PBS Digital Studios web series, Vitals, a first of its kind web series, created by the Global Heath Reporting Center, and is focused on demystifying healthcare and getting down the facts on all things health and wellness related.